Private & Semi Private Pilates
Pilates co-ordinates the mind and the body through regular practice of exercises using a variation of the Pilates Method, on different apparatus.
We guarantee "In 10 sessions you'll feel the difference, in 20 sessions you'll see the difference, and in 30 sessions you'll have a whole new body".
An initial 50 Minute consultation is required for all first time clients and is included in either Pilates packages, otherwise will be charged as a single Private session
Consists of...
Postural Analysis
Bio-mechanics assessment
Body Fat Composition Test
Learn the Basic Principles of Pilates
Private Sessions will consist of a 50 Minute 1-1 Lesson with a Fully Certified Instructor
Semi-Private Sessions (up to 2 persons) will consist of 55 Minute Lesson with a Fully Certified Instructor.
All Private and Semi-Private classes use the Pilates Apparatus (see below)
What to Wear: Comfortable fitness gear, Pilates Socks or Bare Feet.